Born in Brazil, Made for the world! A little behind the scenes of We.

In July 2016, Antonio Silva, a visionary Brazilian, invited 3 friends to start in the digital currency market. With the motivation to create a "club" to collect bitcoins and buy large-scale mining machines, direct from the manufacturer to form a "private pool" sharing profits so that it could change the world, delivering results easily, democratically and transparent. Four friends came together, Antonio, Robert, Paulo and Maicon, and formed the “Club HQ”, initially in the simple house room of Antonio, and the work began with a long process of research and market study, which brings technological changes all the time. At the end of this phase, and with great difficulty, mistakes and hits, the “club” grew into Latin America's largest cryptocurrency mining company with mining farms scattered in Paraguay due to the country's low energy cost, with offices in Uruguay , Paraguay, the US and Germany, became the world's first cryptocurrency loyalty point affiliate program, with thousands of affiliates and a growing network of global partners.

WHY "WE"? We realized that the world of cryptocurrencies was somewhat risky, insecure, and with a lot of change and misinformation. Only those who really understood the market operated on it, but we wanted it to be more enjoyable, safer and give everyone access. Therefore, the idea came up to create a platform that would share results, but that would lead everyone in the market as a “mentor” in a clear, true and objective way, without illusions. Like a friend who understands everything about the market, helping everyone step by step. Of course, if the proposal was really to help everyone, the platform needed to be named after everyone. It was then, in search of the perfect name, at a meeting, Maicon, one of the creators said, "We are all responsible for many people understanding the market." There it was decided, there it was baptized.

We means "we" - all together. All we got was with the help of all the people who believed in 4 broken people, no experience, no money, and wanted to change their lives and changed that of thousands of people around the world. WHO WE REALLY ARE? We's story is not just written by its 4 creators, or its board, just as it is not only represented by formulas, hash, coins or machines. We are a team of thousands of people around the world, all dedicated to making We happen. And making We happen goes beyond helping people be safe. To make it happen is to create something simple, transparent, and that really offers the best products, with a lot of technology, but with humane, competent and profitable service.

We are the representation of a set of people. Passionate people who build and live We every day.

We think differently! We look forward to it! We got the power! We are the future! We are together! We are all WE!